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In 7:00 build to:
A Heavy Single Thruster
Take the bar from the racks today.
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Complete for time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters, 45#/35#
30 Pull-ups
Compare to: 7/28/17, 6/4/15, 1/14/15, 1/10/14, 6/19/13, 2/25/13, 2/15/12, 12/12/12
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Johnny B and Chris getting after the overhead squats last week!
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Heavy Thrusters!
To prime ourselves for Jackie we’ll be working up to a heavy single thruster. To give us the best chance at getting after it we’ll be taking the bar from the racks today. The goal isn’t to hit a 1RM if you have one on record. With the 7:00 time limit the goal is to work to something that provides a slight challenge but doesn’t cash us out. The priority for the day is Jackie, and approaching the lift the right way will help with that.
We’ll give you some thoughts on how to tackle Jackie today during the WOD briefing. Today you get the opportunity to PR a classic CrossFit benchmark!