Tuesday 180109

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In Teams of 2 Complete for Time:

70 Clean and Jerks, 135#/95# (accumulated)

70 Double-Unders (per person, relay style)

120 Handstand Push-ups (accumulated)

120 Double-Unders (per person, relay style)

20:00 Time Cap!


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Whitney kipping away!

The 5th Annual In-House Comp!!

The 5th Annual CrossFit Evolve In House Competition will be on Saturday February 34d! This is a one day competition open to CrossFit Evolve members only. We’ll put together several workouts to test a variety of your CrossFit prowess. Why do we do it? First, because it’s really fun to throw down in a competition setting, but sometimes folks don’t feel they’re ready or they aren’t comfortable going to a unfamiliar gym for a comp with a bunch of strangers. This gives you the opportunity to try it out in the comfort of your home gym surrounded by your friends! Second, the open starts on February 22nd. We usually have a huge portion of the gym participate and we want the 2018 Open to be our biggest yet. The in-house comp shows that even the newest to CrossFit can still have some fun and benefit from events like these.

The In-House Comp will begin immediately following the 9am Saturday WOD and will wrap up in the early afternoon. You can expect to see 3 WODs that will test a variety of CrossFit skills, which means be ready for anything! To ease the anxiety of these WODs, two of them will be announced a few days before so you know what you’re going to be doing. We’ll keep one a secret because that’s fun too!

Sign-ups will be OG…look for a clipboard with a sign-up sheet and write your name on it. That’s it! We’ll have the following divisions:

RX (men and women)

Open (men and women)

Masters 45+ (men and women)

Please indicate what division you plan to compete in when you sign up. Hit us up with questions!!

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