Thursday 150514



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Run technique and drills




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00 of:

5 Deadlifts, 275#/190#

10 Hand Release Push-ups

Rest 2:00

Run 1 mile

Score is total rounds + reps and total time. Go hard!




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Kelsey post-WOD!

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Are you happy or sad about the mile? We hope you’re happy, but if you’re sad, you still need to come do it! We spend a lot of time in short and medium time domains. Our runs are overwhelmingly 100s, 200s, and 400s. But sometimes we have to head out to the margins. In a few weeks time you’ll tackle Murph. That’s a mile to start the WOD, and a mile to finish the WOD. Today you get some practice. After a bunch of barbell work. Heavy barbell work. That’s called being well rounded! Have you ever run a mile after a bunch of deadlifts? No? It’s awesome, and it feels much different than a mile on a lazy Sunday morning! Today go hard on the 5 minute AMRAP. Get a ton of rounds. Use the 2:00 rest to get your head sorted out, then charge after the mile. Don’t pace it, just get after it. You’ll be glad you did!!

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