Friday 150515

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Complete 5 rounds for time of:


15 Overhead Squat, 95#/65#

Compare to: 4/22/14, 6/21/13, 8/31/12, 11/2/12


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Elva getting those lunges done!

A huge good luck to our friends heading to Dallas to compete in the South Regionals this weekend. Dave’s son-in-law Pat is going once again as an individual, and our good friend Alex who moved to Vegas will be part of Team Max Effort in the team events. Each year it gets harder and harder for individuals and teams to make it to the next step, so it’s truly an amazing accomplishment. You can keep tabs on all of our local SouthWest athletes on the CrossFit Games website throughout the weekend. There will also be live stream of the event, so you can check out the action. Good luck fellas!

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