Tuesday 121016


Tall snatch

Work up to a 3RM in 15:00. For the set to count the bar can't hit the ground until the last rep is completed.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:

12 Power snatch, 50% of today's strength

8 Pull-ups

REST 3:00

Complete as many reps as possible in 2 minutes:

Jerk, 60% of yesterday's strength.

Photo Oct 01, 6 51 58 AM
Nothing like a full pull-up rig!


You may have heard about this already, I've been meaning to post about it but I kept putting it off. Anyways, we get lost of questions about mobility, stretching, how to fix this, how to fix that. The default is to point you guys to K Starr's site Mobility WOD. The site is a wealth of information for what ails ya. Well now you can have this information in book form with the release of Becoming a Supple Leopard. The book isn't available until March 12, 2013 but if you're a planner, you can pre-order it hear. We will have a copy in the gym for coaches to reference when they're asked a question, but it may be worth your while to have your own copy. After all, who doesn't want to be a supple leopard? If you don't, you're really just lying to yourself.

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