Complete 5 sets of max unbroken reps. Take 10:00.
40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Kettlebell push-press, 55#/35#
Box jump, 24"/18"
As fall sets in the local CF competitions are still popping up. Here's some info on a comp called CrossFit South Denver "Bears for Kids" Competition. This is a half-day comp with one WOD and a couple of floaters. The WOD is an AMRAP so totally doable by most everyone. Here's the details:
The CrossFit South Denver Bears for Kids Charity Competition is an excellent opportunity for CrossFit competitors to compete to support a great cause! First-time competitors and seasoned CrossFit competition veterans are both encouraged to come together and compete to support Denver Children's Home.
100% of the proceeds from the CrossFit South Denver Bears for Kids Charity Competition will go to the Denver Children's Home.
This half-day competition will feature heats that will begin on the half hour from 1pm to 4pm. Check-in for the event will take place from noon to 1:00pm on the day of the event (October 27, 2012).
The event will featrue one scheduled workout and two "float" workouts. Athlete heats for the scheduled workouts will be released the evening before the event (on October 26, 2012). The "float" workouts can be completed at any time between 1pm and 4pm. Float workouts must be completed prior to 4pm.
Scheduled Workout:
10 Back Squats (95#/65#)(From the Ground)
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
10 Front Squats (95#/65#)(From the Ground)
10 Toes-To-Bar
10 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)(From the Ground)
10 Pull-Ups (Chin-Over-Bar)
10 American KBS (55#/35#)
10 Wall Balls (20#/12# to 10')
Float workouts:
Max reps chin-over-bar pull-ups (one attempt)
Max reps double unders (three attempts)
Bonus Event!
From now until the event, CrossFit South Denver will be accepting donations for Denver Children's Home on this website. CrossFit South Denver will also be accepting doations the day of the event. For every $10 received in donations, Juli Bauer of and Clark Niemeyer-Thomas, owner of CrossFit South Denver, will do one burpee. Once the total donations are totaled, Juli and Clark will race to see who can complete the total burpees first. If Juli wins, Clark will donate an extra $100 to Denver Children's Home. If Clark wins, Clark will donate an extra $50 to Denver Children's Home, and Juli must make Clark a batch of paleo brownies. The more you donate, the more burpees Juli and Clark must complete!
Juli will also be competing in the main competition! If you are a fan of and would like to compete against your favorite paleo blogger, this is your chance!