Thursday 120301

Open WOD 12.2

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Snatch, 75#/45#

30 Snatch, 135#/75#

30 Snatch, 165#/100#

Max reps snatch 210#/120#

This workout begins from the standing position. The athlete will complete all reps at the first weight before advancing to the next weight. Score is total reps completed in 10min.

Movement Standards

This workout begins from the standing position with the barbell loaded to the starting weight. In the Snatch, the barbell goes directly from the ground to overhead in one motion without stopping at the shoulders. This can be a muscle snatch, a power snatch, a squat snatch or a split snatch. A clean and jerk is not permitted.

Check out all the details on WOD 12.2 here!


Photo Feb 13, 4 55 46 PM
Trevor racked and ready to go!



The Spirit  Of Competition!

Competition is awesome. Scary, but awesome. Like Mark Bell said at the power lifting cert, “competition allows you to find out just how great you are, and being great is awesome!” Greatness also means facing your fears as well as those not so great moments with courage and acceptance. We were frightened to death opening up Evolve, but if we would have let those feelings and fears take us over we would not have all you wonderful people in our lives. Like Ryan stated, we hear people say, “I am NOT a competitor!” Well we were not businessmen when we started Evolve and we still are not businessmen to this day, but by the grace of God and all of you, we make it work. Point is, you don’t know really who you are until you try, and YES, you all are ATHLETES and COMPETITORS! You know why? Because you walk through that door every day!

Last Sunday was awesome, the energy was high and there was plenty of encouragement throughout the gym.  Some said that Sunday had a different feel than Thursday.  Well sure, on Thursdays everyone is there to work out.  The Open WOD is the workout for the day whether you are competing or not.  So, Thursdays will have a different feel, everyone in there will be focused on what they have to do. Sundays will have folks not competing as well as families who have come in to cheer, support, and help with judging. Their sole purpose will be to scream their lungs out.  It takes a ton of energy to cheer someone on.  Anyone who has judged a full day of competition will tell you that it is flat out exhausting.  That is cool shit, and we thank all of you for coming in and supporting your fellow athletes.

Don’t Play favorites!

We ALL have folks that we are close to in the gym, but everyone needs our support and encouragement when they are in the suck.  A couple of times I saw big crowds around certain athletes and none around others except for their judge.  That is not Evolve or who we are, so spread the love and be there for everyone. Don’t play favorites. 

If You’re Not Cheating, You’re Not Trying!

We say BULL@#*&! Last year when they first started the Open process there was a lot of talk about people being able to cheat in the Open.  Coach Glassman acknowledged this and said, “yes I am sure it will happen.”  Those folks that decide to do so are only hurting themselves.  They MAY make it to Regionals, but that is where their journey will end.  Like my man Will Farrell said, they will be “sitting on a throne of lies,” and their “Accomplishment” of making it to Regionals will be exposed for what it is.  That is what we like to call “Bad Karma”.  So, know that we will not tolerate it; we will do everything we can to make sure that every event at our gym is as fair as possible.  Like always, we expect everyone to be stewards of CHARACTER and INTEGRITY and help each athlete do their very best.  EVOLVE is a house of great people and we expect nothing less than TRUTH, HONESTY, and balls to the wall HARD WORK.


Judging is freaking tuff, and there is no getting around it.  Last year for Regionals, Front Range CrossFit recruited volunteers to judge and made them come down for 5 weekends to learn the movements and practice.  If any of you know Skip from Front Range, you know that he is a hard ass and demands perfection, and I know he did everything under the sun to make sure those judges were top notch. Guess what happened?  We saw some good judging and we also saw some inconsistencies. Bottom line, you are going to see this. I know there was some confusion with my judge on the first workout at regionals last year.  While the head judge was talking to her I was still doing reps that were not being counted.

DO NOT feel pressured to judge.  If you want to judge, watch the videos explaining the movements and watch the demos once the WOD is released.  While watching, practice counting reps and watching for faults and calling them quickly and verbalizing the fault to the athlete. This is very important; they need to know if they are doing something wrong and that they missed a rep.  As always, we will do our best to set you up for success as a judge.  This first WOD was a tuff one to judge.  The only movement that is harder is double-unders, which I am sure we will see at some point. 


This can be a hard thing to swallow, but you must, and if you can’t it will drag you down.  Like I said, we will do the best we can.  One thing is for sure, we will stay tight as a team, we will do the weekly WODs together in our house, we WILL be supportive and respectful of one another, and we WILL go out and fight on every WOD they throw at us like it is our last.  Do what we were placed on this Earth to do, sacrifice for every rep, and work relentlessly until we hear the word “TIME” or we pass out.  That is Evolve and that is what we do!

We are providing two opportunities to do each WOD, all day Thursday and Sunday morning.  We prefer that you do these WODs with us, however, if you are traveling during the Open, you can or we will find an affiliate that will be able to judge your workout.  As always, if there are uncontrolled events in life that restrict you from making one of our Open days, let Jon or me know and we will do our utmost to accommodate you.   

12 thoughts on “Thursday 120301”

  1. Great post Gino! You’re right, everyone in at Evolve is competing, whether they know it or not. They may be compeeting against themselves to improve their “Fran” time, or trying to finish before everyone else in the class. It’s part of what makes Crossfit so addicting and fun, and that’s what makes us stronger and faster.

  2. Hi, Nice post. I liked also the previous one about why people should register to the Opens. I’m based in Belgium and I just been Lv1 Certified and your posts, in fact your whole web site, inspire me a lot for my coaching work. I hope I’ll be able one day to travel and visit your box. Keep going and good luck with the Games.

  3. Sweet Rach! It’s so cool to hear folks on the other side of the world are checking out the site. Good luck with the Open…hit it hard!

  4. Awesome post Gino! I love your comments on CHARACTER, INTEGRITY, TRUTH, HONESTY and balls to the wall HARD WORK! Well said!!!

  5. Thanks, Michelle It’s funny because I don’t feel like my belly is that big while I’m wornikg out, then I watch the video and it’s like, yep, big prego lady doing oly lifts looks ridiculous, haha

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