Turkish get-ups
3×5 each arm
Complete for time:
10 Handstand push-ups, 1 Power clean, 135#/95#
9 HSPU, 2 Power cleans
8 HSPU, 3 Power cleans
7 HSPU, 4 Power cleans
6 HSPU, 5 Power cleans
5 HSPU, 6 Power cleans
4 HSPU, 7 Power cleans
3 HSPU, 8 Power cleans
2 HSPU, 9 Power cleans
1 HSPU, 10 Power cleans
Megan, one of Evolve's newest. Welcome Megan!
Hey everyone, a quick note about drop-ins. We've had a lot of folks come in lately to check out Evolve, many of them have been brought by you guys…THANK YOU! The only way the word gets out about us is because of you guys and we appreciate it more than you probably know!
However, during very full WODs we've had 2 and 3 folks drop in at a time with no prior CF experience. This takes a lot of time for the coach to get them set-up with a scaled or even completely different WOD that we feel comfortable having them perform. It has been pointed out to me a couple of times that when we take the time to do this, we're not spending time on who we should be….YOU! We've always operated under the belief that we will take care of you, the athletes we have, first and foremost.
With that, we're going to limit drop-ins of folks who are interested in checking out Evolve, including friends and family of athletes, to Saturday WODs. You all know that Saturdays are a great time, usually a little less structured, and there's ample opportunity to get some inexperienced folks set with movements without negatively impacting our athlete's experience. We know that this may be a drag for some folks, but we think it's a good thing that will give everyone what they are after. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments!