Tuesday 111227


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

Run 400m

21 Deadlits, 155#/115#

Today we leave time at the end for mandatory mobility!!!

Xmas group
Look close…there are some ugly sweaters in this picture! And a onesey!

Here's another reminder for Molly Metz's Jumprope Seminar on Saturday January 21st from 9 to 11am. For those folks who are wanting to get those double-unders dialed in, this is for you! There's only four more days before this seminar opens up to other athletes, so Evolve folks take advantage and sign up early. Even if you responded to the survey indicating you'd be interested in attending if we brought Molly in, we still need to hear from you that you want to sign up. Email jon@www.test.crossfit-evolve.com if you want to attend and we'll send you the registration info and discount code.

For athletes from other boxes, we'll open this up to you on January 1st. Hope to see everyone there!


2 thoughts on “Tuesday 111227”

  1. I know this is going to sound stupid, but I have been fnloowilg the new program for the past 4 weeks(started with week 1) and I love it. I really feel that I am getting in way better shape than when I was doing just the long slow running. But I am training for my first marathon and I am getting a little nervous about the long run . Can you tell me what the long run on the weekends is going to be for this program or should I double the sat/sun run for marathon training? Thank you again for everything and this great program

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