Thursday 110728


Turkish get-ups


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 Overhead squats, 135#/90#

50 Double-unders

T's feet 
Taylor says that if you're going to squat barefoot, you'd better have some fancy toe nails!

We posted this week about the upcoming schedule change and we got a lot of positive feedback. We also heard about some cocern about only having a 4pm and 5pm WOD and not having the 6pm WOD on Fridays – some can simply not make the 4 or 5 pm.

What we're going to do is on Fridays continue with a 4:30 and a 5:30 WOD. The reason we are only having 2 WODs on Fridays is that Fridays are a very light day as far as attendance goes. Additionally, the last workout of the day, which has been 5:30, sees the lowest numbers on Fridays because people are ready to start their weekend. We want to keep a good vibe for those afternoon WODs. We would rather have 2 WODs with a handful of people in each than 3 with only a couple in each. Those of you who have been in WODs with only a couple people know that it's way better with more friends to throw down with! With that, we'll try this out and see how it goes. As always, we want your feedback so let us have it!

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