Thursday 100805


10 GHD sit-ups

Plank – hold for 1:00

10 GHD back extensions

L-sits – as long as possible

We'll rotate through this circuit 3 times.


"Cindy's a Track Star"

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

Run 200m

3 rounds of Cindy (1 Cindy round is 5 pull-ups, 10 sit-ups, 15 squats)

Score will be total rounds of Cindy completed in the 20 minutes.

Post rounds and if you like Cindy more or less since she started running track!



You may have noticed that we've cancelled the WOD for Saturday. The reason is that several of us from Evolve, including the coaches, will be pacing Dustin during his 200 mile race. He started at 1 am this morning and plans on finishing around 1 pm Saturday. It's difficult to even comprehend running for that long! Dustin was the very first member of Evolve. He's been there for us from the beginning and we felt it was important to be there for him during his monumental feat. With that said, we will post a WOD for you to do on your own Saturday, and it will be in the spirit of D-Hampton!!!

7 thoughts on “Thursday 100805”

  1. Yeah for Dustin! We’ll all be thinking of you and pushing for you along the way:). Party at mile 200.1 in Steamboat!!!!
    As for Cindy, is she a “nasty girl”? If not, she should be:). And when did she take up track- yikes:(

  2. hmmm I am guessing that Cindy started dating Neil….better keep the rest of the girls away from him or they may all get the same urge to start running…Have a great run Dustin! Sending positive vibes your way! Mountains? What mountains!?!

  3. Why is it that the WODs look more “fun” to me when I know I can’t do them? Hmm. In the spirit of Cindy, I’m going to try to keep up with Dustin through the mountains. He’ll probably have to pace me instead of the other way around!

  4. Go get em Jill. And if the urge strikes, feel free to do a couple of pull-ups on a pine tree branch, some push-ups in the shoulder of the road, and some squats!

  5. Way to go Dustin! Keep up the good work.
    Gene, thank you for sharing ‘Leave Your Ego at the Door.’ I think it speaks the truth, and it was a good reminder to me.

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