Thursday 100715


Weighted planks, 5 rounds

A plate will be placed on your back and the clock will start. Hold the plank position for as long as you can. If you exceed 1 minute, add weight for the next round. Rest 1:30 between rounds.


Front Squats

10 sets of 2 reps

Load for all sets should be 50% of your 1 rep max. For athletes who have experience with the front squat, the goal of the reps will be speed – go fast! For the newer athletes, this will be a great opportunity to get practice with your range of motion and technique.


Jim working on the rack position.

As many of you know the 2010 CrossFit games are this weekend in California. 50 men and 50 women from across the world will be competing for the title of the fittest male and female. New this year, the games will be streamed free with the pregame starting tonight at 7 pm our time. If you get a chance, tune in and watch what goes down. What you see during this weekend will seem unbelievable. The people competing finished in the top 4 of their region. These are the strongest of the strong, the fastest of the fast, and the fittest of the fit. Check it out, you'll find inspiration for the 2 events coming up this summer!

4 thoughts on “Thursday 100715”

  1. I think we have all experienced at one point or another a time during a WOD where someone says something or you just get a spark and you take off and do something that you never thought was possible. You find an inner strength that you never thought was there and you do the unthinkable! That feeling is awesome right? Follow the games and you can multiply that feeling by 50! The things that you see happen at the games will inspire you for the next year. They are truly unbelievable and a true testimonial of what the human body, spirit, and mind is capable of! Check it out.

  2. i cant wait to watch online! i hope i can see Ryan L. on it! can’t wait to be even more inspired than i already am 🙂

  3. Kelley De Laney

    It will be the highlight of my week watching the games! I can’t wait to see what it does to the work I do in the gym and at home!!!! This will be great! Whoo hooooo!!!!!!

  4. I am so motivated that I went out and bought some Newton running shoes with my entire pay check! We won’t be able to feed our kids the rest of the month, but I hope it makes me faster. I just want to keep up with Carl and his Newton’s.

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