Wednesday 100714



5 – 5 – 5 -5 – 5


As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

Run 200m

15 push-ups

12 power cleans, 95#/75#

Post rounds and thoughts on how much better 200s are compared to 800s to comments!


Windy – CrossFitting AND defending her theisis this week! Good luck Windy!

Berries 'N Cauliflower

I know, sounds crazy! That's what I thought when the Issue 66 of the Performance Menu came out this month. We've heard from some of you about your feelings on vegetables. When I saw this, I thought of you guys. Is it possible to make cauliflower taste not so cauliflowery? Tonight we tried it and I have to say it's pretty good. Keep in mind that this is from someone who like cauliflower but I think it could work for some of you who aren't huge fans of the veggies! Try it out and let us know!


1 head of cauliflower

10 oz package of frozen mixed berries, thawed

1/4 cup coconut milk (you can find this in the oriental food aisle)

1 tbsp honey (optional)

1 tsp cinnamon (cinnamon is good so I added a bunch more)

Chop the cauliflower roughly, andd to a steamer or pressure cooker. Steam or cook until soft, about 1o minutes steam, 3 minutes pressure.

Add the caulifower and everything else to a food processor. If you're off the sugar, leave out the honey.

Process until smooth. You can then add the mixture to a saucepan, heat over medium heat while stirring for 3 - 5 minutes (you won't need to do this if you add the cauliflower to the food processor when it's still hot from cooking). Serve warm of chill and serve cold.

4 servings at 1.5 blocks carb, 2 fat blocks. If no honey, it's closer to 1.2 blocks carb!

14 thoughts on “Wednesday 100714”

  1. hmmmm i’ll have to try this out! Thanks for the recipe!
    this wod looks great, i’m excited!
    good luck Windy!! and can’t wait to see you get your kip down!

  2. Jenn has a birthday coming up on the 17th, so if you see her in the gym in the next few days, wish her a happy birthday!

  3. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I successfully defended my thesis on Monday and I will be back to CF later today!

  4. Hey everyone, I just wanted everyone to know I have not fallen off the planet. I have jsut had an insane with long hours. This workout looks awesome and I am a fan of the press. I would come in tonight however my wife and I are going out to dinner to celebrate. We found out yesterday that she is pregnant!!! I am more excited than I can describe.
    I have plans on being in tomorrow so hopefully we will see some of you guys then.

  5. Congrats Scott!!! That is wonderful news. Pass it on to your wife too and enjoy your celebration dinner. See you soon.

  6. Good job Windy! Congrats to you and your wife Scott! Jenn, I am going to miss your b-day but hopefully they make up an awesome b-day WOD for you!
    Since the gym is so packed here and it would be tough to coordinate a workout like today’s here on base, I did the 5×5 strict presses, then did a 20 min AMRAP of 105lb power cleans x 12 and 10 push ups with a 45 pound plate…was dyin towards the end, but felt good to hit a long metcon…happy training everyone!

  7. Scotty M – Congratulations, that is awesome!
    And Windy, Congratulations to you too – I know that’s a great thing to have behind you.
    Lots of good news in the box today!

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