Tuesday 200609

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“Quarter Zip”

Complete as many rounds and reps in 25:00 of the following:

400 Meter Run

4 Strict Pull-ups

8 Kettlebell Swings 70#/55#

12 Kettlebell Reverse Lunges 70#/55#


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Who’s ready for some heavy KB work?!?

A Note From Jon.

My heart is broken. I arrived home this afternoon to the news of Greg Glassman’s horrible statements and the pain it has caused our entire community, not just at Evolve, but across the world. Let me be clear: Greg Glassman does not speak for us, nor do his beliefs align with ours in any way. Our mission is to create an environment that improves lives through fitness, relationships, and community. Racism, hate, and intolerance are counter to everything we believe, everything we stand for, and everything our gym represents. 

Our entire country is hurting right now. In our hearts we have always believed that Evolve is a place where once you walk through the doors, no matter what is going on in the world, we can give you the opportunity to leave it behind just for a little while. We felt like we could be that for all of you right now. A place where we can see our friends, blow off a little steam, and maybe even get a little fitter before we have to go back out into reality. A place where we are just a group of people who want to throw down a workout and things like race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, or any of the many other things that make us who we are don’t factor in. We still believe this and we refuse to let anyone take that away from us.

Our hearts, morals, and conscience will direct our path forward. As soon as we know, you will know. Please take care of each other and do not let one man’s words take away from what you have accomplished at Evolve or what our community is all about. These things are so much bigger than he is.

Much love…Jon

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