Tuesday 200505

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Complete the following for time:

400 Meter Run



Double Dumbbell Deadlifts

Lateral Dumbbell Burpees


800 Meter Run



Double Dumbbell Deadlifts

Lateral Dumbbell Burpees


400 Meter Run


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CompTrain Daily Mindset.

What a fitting quite and mindset for today. How do you allow stress to affect you? How do you react to it? Especially now, we can choose to react poorly to it or we can choose to reframe it so it better serves us. Its not always easy, but it is possible. How can you react better to the stress around you? 

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“It’s not the stress that kills us. It’s the reaction to it.” – Hans Selye

Frame of reference is everything.

The most successful in life are able to frame their thoughts to serve them. If there is a single trait we must master to get to where we want to go, it’s that. Our perspective.

To see an obstacle, as simply part of the way.
To see that pain, is an instructor.
To see that failure, is merely a lesson.

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Coach Joshy explaining the workout, “Radar”!

Here is a video from Coach Joshy explaining the workout. Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you guys at either the Nooner Zoom class or the 5pm class with Coach Danielle!!





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