Tuesday 200317

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“Mirror Effect”

On the 0: 1 Mile Run

On the 10: 100 Burpees

On the 20: 1 Mile Run


“Death By Burpee”

On the Minute for AFAP:
“X” Burpees

Round 1 – 5 Burpees

Round 2 – 6 Burpees

Round 3 – 7 Burpees

Continue to add (1) rep for as far as possible.

Choose whichever workout that works best for you!



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We love all of you!

Another Update From CrossFit Evolve.

Another update coming for you guys. If you didn’t see our email we sent out earlier today, here it is. This was the last thing we wanted to do, but now with the Governor ordering all gyms to close among other business, we know we made the right decision. We will be posting at home workouts, videos, and keeping you guys engaged as much as possible. We love all of you and will miss seeing your smiling faces every day so make sure to input those scores on SugarWOD so we can keep up with you. Do not hesitate to reach out if you guys need anything, we are here for you!

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Hey everyone,


As recommendations and best practices have tightened up over the last couple of days we’ve made the difficult decision to close the gym starting tomorrow 3/17. Although this is a hard thing to do, in our hearts we feel we have the responsibility to do this so that we can do our best for our Evolve community, your families, and the City as a whole. We have the opportunity to be proactive rather than reactive at this moment and that’s important to us. We will re-evaluate our closed status daily and will be in regular communication with you guys.


Going forward we will be switching to the CompTrain “At Home” programming. These workouts will continue to be published on the blog as well as in SugarWOD and we want you to continue throwing down as a community and logging your scores. We all understand that prioritizing our fitness is going to be huge for both our mental AND physical health during this crazy time and we want to be in this together, even if we’re not at the gym. We’ll be posting coaching videos and tips for the day’s workouts during this time, so keep an eye to social media and the blog for this! Your coaches will also be available for questions, hit us up on your favorite social media channel.


In an effort to help you keep your fitness on track, we’ll be allowing members to sign out one (1) piece of equipment from the gym. Equipment available to take home will include boxes, kettlebells, dumbbells, and sandbags. Pick up for equipment will be tonight from 4pm to 8pm and tomorrow from 9am to 11am.


Finally, this is going to be a difficult and uncertain time for small businesses everywhere, including the gym we all love. If your financial stability is being impacted by the current situation please reach out to us and we’ll suspend your autopay. However if you’re in a position to continue with your membership, please do. Our obligations to our lease, utilities, taxes, and other bills will still continue during the closure and we want to make sure we’re in a position to fully open the second we’re able to.


These are crazy times and where we are is unprecedented. However, tough times breed tough people and we’ll be stronger on the other side. We’ll see you on the social medias and hopefully in person really soon!


Love, CrossFit Evolve

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