Tuesday 190924



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In 15:00 complete:

5 x 8 Single Arm Strict Dumbbell Press

This is 5 sets of 8 reps each arm.




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“Surfer On Acid”

Complete for time:

Run 400m

21 Burpees

Compare to 5/5/17.




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Darcie getting after the Pintathalon!

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Repost from 2017!

Who remembers doing Surfer on Acid back in 2017?! Below is the blog post from that day “CrossFit Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated.” It still rings true.


Have a look at today’s WOD. What do you think? How do you think you’ll feel by the end of that 3rd round? I guess if you jog the 400 and really take your time with the burpees you might break a sweat. But of course that won’t be your approach. You’re going to run hard on the 400s, just below that line where you’ve gone too far, then you’re going to come in and do 21 unbroken burpees. Not at a sprint pace, but not at a really slow pace either. Just fast enough to be able to push the pace of that next 400. You’ll be straddling that line of going too fast and blowing up for all 3 rounds.

You might look at this workout and think that it’s simple. That there’s not much to it. And you’d be right. But don’t let that fool you into thinking this workout won’t be effective. The intent of today is to push the run and to keep the heart rate high when you’re inside…so no weighted movements that force you to rest a little but just because they feel heavy. Today you’re going to go until you’re done. It doesn’t always have to have a bar, or weighted movements, or require 15 minutes to set up in order to be effective. Today is about your willingness to push. That’s what will allow you to get the most out of today. Simple. Beautifully simple.

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