Tuesday 190226

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In teams of 2 complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00 of:

Partner 1- Row 1,000/800m

Partner 2- AMRAP Strict “Cindy” while partner 1 is rowing


Partner 2-Row 1,000/800m

Partner 1- AMRAP Strict “Cindy” while partner 2 is rowing

Strict “Cindy” is: 5 Strict pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air squats 

Score is reps of Cindy


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What do you do when you hit the heavy deadlifts at the end of a chipper and they feel heavy AF? Smile just like Mar!!

Partner Tuesday.

Even though you’re with a group of friends, CrossFit tends to be a solo deal. Unless you’re a regular on Saturdays or you like to sign up for team competitions, at the end of the day it’s just you getting after it. But there’s value in teaming up. There’s value in knowing the harder you go, the better it is for your teamwork. There’s value in getting settled in and synching up with a partner during a workout. It makes us better. 

Sometimes partner workouts make people feel uncomfortable, kind of like picking teams for gym class used to when we were kids. Don’t let that worry keep you from coming in today. This isn’t middle school gym class, this is your gym and it’s filled with your people. Partner up with one and get after it as a team!

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