Tuesday 180313



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WOD Part 1

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With a 22:00 running clock….

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

12 Back Squats, 185#/135#

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″

Bar starts on the floor.




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WOD Part 2

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Once Part 1 is completed you have the remaining time to:

Back Squat

Work to a heavy set of 3.

Bar will come from the racks for Part 2.




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Oh February, you were so good to us!

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PRs Matter!

The PR board and bell have been a tradition at Evolve for a long time. Every time someone does something they’ve never done before, they write it on the board and ring the bell. When that bell rings, everyone in the gym stops what they’re doing and gives a quick “wooop”. We’ve even seen that acknowledgement from the tribe happen mid-WOD. This is an important part of our community. When all of the hard work, consistency, and dedication pay off with a new PR, it’s important to celebrate that, even for just a minute. Most of the time you guys are shy about it and don’t want the attention. We appreciate that, and we understand. But it’s also cool for your friends to share in your success, and the coaches love to hear that bell ring as well!

Allow yourself and those around you to celebrate those PRs, no matter how small you think they are. You get a little cheer, it stays on the board for the rest of the month, then it’s back to work reaching for that next one!

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