Monday 180312



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WOD Part 1

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Every 2:00 for 5 sets:

Push Press x 3

Build in load all sets with sets 4 and 5 giving you a good challenge!

Following Part 1 you’ll have 5:00 to prepare for Part 2.




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WOD Part 2

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Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 Push Press, 135#/95#

15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

Run 200m

Time Cap is 12:00.




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Katie, Jill and Shar…our wives were the first members. They had no choice.

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8 Years of Forging Elite Awesomeness!

Yesterday, March 11th, marked the 8 Year Anniversary of CrossFit Evolve. Holy crap! Every time this day rolls around and we’re neck deep in the Open, I always find myself thinking about those first few months: building all of our own gear because there was really not many places to get your hands on it (and it was really expensive since we had no members!), making our own plyo boxes, helping our friend Opie weld the pull-up rig, stinking up the house baking PVC pipe in the oven and forming it into rings around a paint can, buying every used barbell we could find. We didn’t have much choice so we went to work and made it happen a little bit at a time.

Then we opened the doors and we wondered if anyone would come. CrossFit was not a household name. Most people hadn’t heard of it and if they had, they really didn’t know what it was. But somehow word slowly spread and people kept coming. I will never forget when Katie L (still a staple of the 6am crew) and 2 of her friends walked up and started asking us questions. We got 3 members all at once! This was a big deal! Word of mouth was our advertising, and it kind of felt like a speakeasy. We still don’t have a sign out on the street. Bad for business, yes. But we never really thought about it. We figured those who wanted to be here would find us. I’ve said before we weren’t good at business, right? It’s probably time for a sign. Maybe next year!

Boxes have come and gone over the years, and for sure the scene has changed. If you would have told us 8 years ago that hundreds of thousands of CrossFitters would be competing each year in the Open, that the Games would move from the keg party at the dusty ranch in Aromas to large sports complexes and being televised on ESPN and now CBS, I’d say you were crazy, but I probably would have believed you. And if you told me that we would still be going strong 8 years later, I probably would have believed you, even just a little bit, because we knew this was going to turn into something. We just weren’t sure what. We had no preconceived plan for Evolve or roadmap for how things would go. We just wanted to show people what we had learned ourselves. We knew CrossFit was the shit. We knew it worked really, really well, for both mind and body. We knew it felt good to get your ass handed to you daily only because you did it with a group of people who you loved. And we knew that if people gave us a shot, we could make at least a few of them feel the way we did about this whole thing, so we decided to give it a shot. And now here we are.

Thank you to all of you who have come through the doors over the 8 years, whether you’re still a part of the gym or have moved on. We’ve learned from all of you, and hopefully you learned a thing or two from us. After the Open is over and the days are warmer, we’ll fill the coolers, sit outside in the sun, and raise a glass to another 8 years of Forging Elite Awesomeness!

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