Thursday 130829


The rope climb

The coaches will go over different techniques today. If you already have the S-hook, work on the J-hook. If you're proficient with both, work on no-leg assents!


Complete 4 rounds for time of:

25 Wall balls, 20#/14#

5 Power cleans, 185#/135#

3 Rope climbs

Photo Dec 18, 10 15 41 AM
CrossFit Evolve – training circus performers since 2010!

You guys know by now we'll be hosting the Hotshots 19 WOD on Saturday starting at 9am. The WOD has been posted on the site linked above, and it's gonna be great. For those who don't feel they can complete it as an individual, we will have scaled and team options.

We host an average of 4 fundraiser WODs a year, but we don't really push donations. We figure if you're coming to the workout and have a bit to spare, you will. However, on Saturday we'll be passing the boot around. If you come to do the WOD, we ask that you throw in. Clean out the change in the car ashtray or throw a couple of bucks in. Every bit will help and we'll make sure that every cent collected goes to the CrossFit Kids Foundation where 100% of the funds will be distributed to the families. These 19 men were fathers, sons, brothers, and friends. They all left people behind, some of them had children like Travis Turbyfill. On Saturday we're going to step up and help our brothers' families. 

We hope to see you there!


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