Thursday 121115

Gymnastics Skill Sessions

4 rounds of:

1:00 Handstand walks

1:00 Ice cream maker

1:00 Planche


Complete for time:

Run 800m

10 Push jerks, 165#/115#

Run 400m

20 Push press, 135#/95#

Run 200m

30 Deficit Handstand push-ups (build your deficit by taking all plates off the bar you used for the jerks)

Photo Oct 02, 7 12 48 PM
Pre- and post-WOD nutrition is important. What do you eat for fuel?


This is our new recycling bin. We've seen a steady increase in water bottles and cans of coconut water in the regular trash, so we figured it was time to do our part to save the earth one WOD at a time!

Here's the things that should go into this bin:

  • Water bottles
  • Coconut water cans
  • Cans of PBR or Budweiser

These should all be empty. You would think I wouldn't need to mention that, but see below…

These are things that should not go in the recycling bin, many of which have already been found in there:

  • Used tape
  • Clorox wipes used to wipe down equipment
  • Tissues
  • Paper towels used to wipe up spills, blood, puke, pee or other bodily fluids
  • Luna bar wrappers
  • Anything that isn't recyclable

If you truly don't know what is recyclable, here's a link to Gallegos' Recyclables List.

5 thoughts on “Thursday 121115”

  1. Thank you everyone at the 6pm last night for making me feel welcome.
    You guys have a great group of people and pretty kick ass athletes
    Hope to come back soon
    Derek (Guerrilla Fitness Crossfit Morristown NJ)

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