Tuesday 121009


3 position snatch

Work up to a 1RM in 20:00.

WOD – from CrossFit Football

Complete 3 rounds of:

1 Muscle Clean to Push Press…2 Muscle Cleans to 2 Push Presses…3 Muscle Cleans to 3 Push Presses and so on until you can not complete the progression. Once you fail, rest 3-4 minutes, decide if you went too heavy or too light, adjust the weight if need be and try to beat your previous rounds.

*Each muscle clean must start on the ground.

Click here for a video of the muscle clean.

Photo Sep 29, 3 55 31 PM
Taylor all smiles after throwing down at the Battle Ready Open!

Sometimes during our training, like in other aspects of our lives, we hit the inevitable rut. Have you had one of those yet? You come in and the WODs don't go your way. Every day your goats show up like whoever is doing the programming secretly knows everything you hate and thus puts it in every WOD. Or you've been working on your oly lifts but for some reason you're having trouble hitting a weight that normally is a cinch. Or you just feel like you suck and wonder why you even bother because there's a zumba class down the road and you're a super good dancer, especially after a couple of cocktails, and that would be so much easier than cleans and snatches and ring dips and friggin burpees paired with double-unders. It happens to all of us. It was happening to me a few weeks ago. We know it's happened to many of you because you've talked about it with us.

It sucks when it happens, but then it goes away. Maybe you tweak something. Clean up the nutrition. Get more sleep. Take a few days off from the gym to hike or mountain bike. Get a massage. Or chill. Whatever. Then you come back in and it's like a fresh start. Suddenly you're feeling good, you're crushing WODs, you get to write something on the PR board, your lifts come off the floor effortlessly.

So if with this change in seasons you find yourself in that rut, don't worry. I'm not saying don't fight like hell to get out of it, you should work to get through it. But don't sweat it too much. It's just part of the ride. Sometimes having those shitty days makes us appreciate the great days that much more.

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