Tuesday 120904



Work up to a 1RM squat snatch in 20:00

Clean and Jerk

Work up to a 1RM squat clean and jerk in 20:00

We're going to hit these 1RM a few times throughout the next few months so go big and keep track of what you accomplish today!

Photo Aug 24, 6 27 20 AM
Dalton with a photogenic squat!

As part of the next round of programming you're going to see a change in how the skill sessions are posted. What we've always done is post a skill before the WOD, like muscle-ups. When folks got into the gym, those who have muscle-ups down would go to work, and the coach would pull those who were still working on the skill in a separate group and go over progressions. What we feel sometimes happens is that the folks who have the skill down are kind of left out on their own.

So for the next couple of months, there will be specific work programmed for a skill. For example, instead of "muscle-ups", it might say something like "Muscle-ups: in 10:00 complete 5 sets of max unbroken reps." No, not everybody will be able to do this. But some of you will! So folks who have MUs down will get that specific amount of work done, and for folks who don't have MUs in their skill set, it will be time to spend some focused work on the progressions with the coach. 

The flavor of working on these skills won't change based on what's posted. If you don't have the movement down, this is the time to get that practice in with a coach helping you along. What we don't want to happen is for you to see _____ posted, say to yourself "I can't even do 1 ____, so screw it, I'm not going in." And for those of you who are proficient in most everything, we'll take your skill work to another level. If you have questions, hit us up!

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