Thursday 120920


Overhead Squat

Work up to a 1RM in 20:00


Complete 6 rounds for time of:

5 Front squat, 60% 1RM

15 Hand release push-ups

The bar will be on the floor for the front squats. A squat clean will count as your first rep. For the push-ups, elevate your feet on a 25# or 45# plate to keep your knees off the floor. This will make the movement more difficult but will prevent the "worm-up".

Photo Sep 14, 9 52 27 AM
Jenny standing tall!

Our close friends Taylor and Blake are doing something fantastic and we're going to help. Blake, who used to own CrossFit Battle Ready in Greeley,  was a huge help to Gino and I when we opened Evolve and has been a good friend to us. Taylor, who works with Gino and I as a firefighter, is also a good friend. Well, they recently got married to each other. Doesn't that make your tummy warm? Well they've decided to start a Steve's Club chapter in Denver. For those who don't know, here's what Steve's Club does:

Imagine a country where kids grow up valuing fitness and nutrition, where youth from disadvantaged backgrounds are given the opportunity to improve their health, fitness, and personal development.
Teens from tough neighborhoods and difficult family lives choose to be involved in fitness, sports, and other positive outlets instead of drugs, gangs, and violence. After school, they go to their local gym (CrossFit Affiliate) where they sweat alongside other members of their local community – firefighters, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, soccer moms, etc. 

CrossFit offers a positive framework and community to help at-risk youth grow into stronger and healthier individuals- both physically and mentally.  Working out and eating well become second nature, and they learn life lessons in a supportive environment – discovering what they're capable of, pushing themselves to work hard and strive for something greater.

Steve's Club Battle Ready is now listed as a Local Club and is in the process of getting things going, and we're going to help! On Saturday, we'll be hosting a Beat the Streets Fundraiser in support of Steve's Club Battle Ready. You'll see a donate button on the right that you can throw a little something their way. We'll also be able to collect donations on Saturday. We owe Blake alot for the mentoring he provided during our early days and this is a wonderful cause that we're proud to support. Please come out and join us for this great teamwork WOD on Saturday!


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