Saturday 120929

Saturday WOD!
This WOD is a slight revision of a WOD that Tyson and I did from The Outlaw Way at the station and that Jon did on Sun. It was a great workout and thought it would be fun for you all to try on a Sat. Have fun with it and don't make any other plans for the rest of the day (besides the nutritional talk that will follow after the WOD) because you will be tired, but in a good way! Have fun.
This will be a 50 min WOD consisting of:
10 min to complete
500m Row
4 min of Double Unders
500m Row
10 min of
2 reps every minute on the minute of Snatch at 75%
In 10 min complete 3 Rounds for time of
2 Rope Climbs
30 Situps
15 hand Release Pushups
10 min to complete
3 Rounds of:
Max reps Front Squat @225/185#
Max rep pull-ups
10 min AMRAP of
400m Run
15 Push Press at 115#/75#
Followed by:
An awesome nutritional talk!
Photo Jul 05, 6 23 42 PM
40" is the new 30". Even from seated box jumps.
Good luck to everyone competing today at Battle Ready and at CF Julia! Every day we've heard of another one or two of you participating in these, that to be honest, at this point we don't have a handle on who's all throwing down. Rather than name a few folks and potentially miss some, we'll shout a collective "represent" to all of you! Get after it today!

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