Thursday 120816


Zercher squats

4 sets of max unbroken reps @ 135#/95#. 15:00 time cap to get the work done.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:

2 Wall climbs

50-foot bear crawl

10 Burpee pull-ups

Photo Jul 24, 5 32 15 PM
Alexis swings away!

As many of you have now heard, over the weekend our brother firefighter and good friend Paul Gaucher was killed in an off-duty accident. Tomorrow Pauly will be laid to rest. We'll honor him as firefighters on Friday with a full fire service funeral. We'll also honor him as crossfitters with a WOD at Evolve in the near future. We'll get those details out shortly, in the meantime please keep your thoughts and prayers with Pauly and his family.


4 thoughts on “Thursday 120816”

  1. RIP Paul!! Thoughts and prayers to his family, friends and all of PFA. May you all find some peace during this difficult time. Paul you will never be forgotten!

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