Tuesday 120605


Handstand walks

Walk in the open, against the wall, or practice holds against the wall.


Push Jerk

3 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1

Photo Apr 18, 6 16 23 AM
Seated box jumps improving the 6 AM crews explosiveness!

Today we have the push jerk. Yes, we know you like the split jerk better. If the WOD didn't specify the "push" part, most would probably opt for the split. But since it does say "push", you kinda have to do it that way! Low reps, heavy loads. There's no time component to this, but you do have to finish before the 1 hour WOD time is up. Focus on form and explosiveness. Be quick with your dip-and-drive and shove yourself under the bar. Commit to getting underneath it and post a new PR today!

1 thought on “Tuesday 120605”

  1. NHTI is helping a very needy and wilhhwtore cause once again this fall by hosting the 3Rd Annual Friendly Kitchen 5K Road Race and 3 K Fitness Walk on September 11 at 5:30. This will be a fun event. We will have a super raffle after the race. This year we are encouraging companies to have team. Any team of 10 that is signed up a month before the race can have the team name on the T-shirt. The team can consist of walkers as well as runners. This is an email I got at work. Is a worthy cause as well and we can get t-shirts with crossfit NH on them.What do you think??I crapped out on the WOD today. I did probably about 10-12 clean and jerks in no specific sequence or time at 65-75lbs. My form was crap even though I watched the video 100x. I had no spot either….Oh well there is always tomorrow. I am up EARLY to do that one! Good Luck to all. Could of used you guys today for encouragement…. Heidi

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