Tuesday 120306



5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5


Complete 10 rounds for time of:

5 Pull-ups

7 Wall balls, 20#/14#

25 Double-unders

Photo Jan 05, 6 53 04 AM
Who loves box jumps? Think we'll see them in the Open?

Last week I came into the box towards the end of the 6 PM WOD to get ready for the oly class. The WOD was the HSPU-Power Clean ladder and when I walked in, the music was blaring and everyone was gathered in the far corner of the gym screaming their lungs out. As I walked over to check out what was going on, I saw one of our newer athletes, covered in sweat, tearing away at his last set of cleans. Surounding him was the entire box bringing him home. I couldn't have been happier!

You see, this is what it's all about. We understand that sometimes the last thing you want to do after a tough WOD is clap, cheer, yell, cuss, or otherwise encourage others. Sometimes you just want to lie there and recover. But that vibe is a huge part of the experience. Picture a time when you were totally cashed out but still had some work left to do to finish the WOD. Was somebody there, in your ear, pushing you to get back on the bar and finish? If there was, chances are you got after it a little harder than if it was just you alone. That's just the way it goes. When you're neck deep in the suck, it's tough to dig deep by yourself and find what you need. But when you have a bunch of other folks yelling at you, knowing they went through exactly the same thing, it helps you get through it.

I was really proud of our 6PM crew that night. I was proud that they were all supporting their friend, and I was happy that he got to see exactly what makes the Evolve family so great!

3 thoughts on “Tuesday 120306”

  1. I for sure have experienced this too many times to count. So for all of you that have pushed me, cheered me on to get through a wod, thanks!!! Yeah for 6 pmers!

  2. That was me they were cheering on! I have been here 3 weeks now and everyone has made me feel so welcome. This is a great place! Thank you everyone!

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