Saturday 120218

Teamwork Saturday!

In teams of 3 complete the following work:


5:00 Front squat for total load moved

For this portion, the goal is to move the most total weight (# of reps x weight) in 5 minutes. The kicker is that each of the 3 team members have to use the same load. So the question for you to answer is how will you do the most work over 5 minutes? Load the bar up and perform less reps, or go light and try to bust out tons of reps? Maybe somewhere in-between?

Rest 5 minutes


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

Run 200m (Pacer)

Push press, 75#/55#

Box jumps, 24"/18"

One team members runs, one does the push press, one box jumps. When the runner finishes, they move to the push press, everyone rotates, and so on. 3 total rounds. Score is total reps performed. I have heard it said of pacer WODs that if a team does the pacer slow on purpose, then they can accumulate more total reps and thus do better. Don't be lame. Go hard.

Rest 5:00


Max cumulative seconds of an L-sit.

For this, 45# bumps will be on the floor, feet will be off the floor. Each team member gets a shot. Total time for all 3 is the score. 

Photo Feb 13, 4 12 17 PM
Nothing spells fitness like a 400m run with a shaker weight. The Evolve crew has the best triceps in town!!!

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