Saturday 110305

Saturday Teamwork!

Team Skill Stations: Each team of 4 people will rotate through 4 stations and complete each task for time. Teams not assigned to a station will assist with recording times, judging, and flat out cheering the athletes on. Here are the stations:
400m farmer carry: Each team member will hold a 25# plate in each hand griping it on the outer rim of the plate. The number of times a team member has to set the plates down and rest will be recorded. The total numbers of rest for the team will be done as reps of burpees at the end of the 400m. All team members will do the burpees and they will count as part of their overall time.
Moving weights for time: Each team will have to move an assortment of plate weights, sand bags, and kettle bells from one end of the gym to the other and stack them, then move them back to the original spot and stack them again.
Move tires with sledge hammers: Each member will move a tire by beating it with a sledge hammer a defined distance. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!
Overhead barbell walks: Men will use 135#, women 95#. Each member will do two laps walking this weight overhead. You'll start inside the gym, exit using the south bay door, walk around the outside of the building, and enter the west bay door. Rinse and repeat twice.
Now, since we are a team, if one team member completes his or her task first, they can go back and assist another team member. More details will be explained on Saturday. Weather looks great so lets have a big turnout!
"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion"
Mia Hamm
Larry making rope climbs look easy!
We know that many of you care about where your food comes from, as do we. Below is a great opportunity for free-range organic eggs from Dane and his wife Kelly. It's great to fuel with best food you can, and it's even better when you can help support someone from the Evolve family at the same time!

Our hens are fed organic, hormone and antibiotic-free feed purchased
from local feed co-op. They have a large fully enclosed chicken house
to protect them from the cold and wind in the winter and yearlong
access to the goat pasture.

For comparison the cost of free range organic eggs at Albertson's is
$3.49 and the cost of free range, organic, local eggs (Grant Farms) at
Whole Foods $5.49

Please email me to be included in the egg email list. We will
determine the best way to distribute the eggs once we know how many
people are interested and what works best for everyone.  One
possibility might be every Monday at a central location in Fort
Collins. Or coordinate with Dane to get them in the parking lot post
workout at Evolve. We are open to suggestions.

** Dane will bring fliers to Evolve each time he works out or please
email us with questions and for more information. We may also have a
few pigs available this fall and our dairy goat kids will be ready to
go beginning in May.

Thank you!!

Dane and Kelly Olsen

1 thought on “Saturday 110305”

  1. Every single mountain features a peak. Every single valley has its minimal point. Lifestyle has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys.No one is up each of the time,nor are they down each of the time. Problems do stop. They’re all resolved in time.

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