Saturday 110115

Today is Kelley D's birthday! Kelley was one of our first athletes as we opened the doors at Evolve. Kelley is a walking example of what Evolve stands for. For Kelley, nothing is an obstacle, only an opportunity for improvement. She fights hard for the things that she wants out of her personal health and wellness, she is always supportive in helping other athletes get what they desire, is very welcoming to new or visiting athletes to the gym, always has a positive "can do" attitude, and she just flat out ROCKS! 
Kelley has a saying that that always rings loud in my mind. I always think about it when we are at a crossroads with the next step for Evolve and it helps Jon and I stay ground with our direction. The saying is, "it's not about being big, it's about being awesome!" Well, you ARE awesome Kelley and we thank you for all you have done for us. This Sat WOD is for you! Have a great birthday!
Buddy "Kelley" WOD, not "Kelly"
5 Rounds of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Since Kelley is such a good BUDDY you will do this with a partner. You will run together, do alternating buddy box jumps together, and do the buddy wall balls that we did last saturday together. In the spirit of Kelley, as partners, push each other to do something great! 
Garry destroying his double-unders!
All right everybody, Jenn and Cindy have called you out. The Tough Mudder is in Beaver Creek on July 25th and 26th.
Here's a little taste from the website:
The Tough Mudder series was created because there is not an event in America that tests toughness, fitness, strength, stamina and mental grit all in one place and all in one day. Sure, there are a few that will test these things – for thousands of dollars and a week of your life. But in one day in one location? We don’t think so. Other mud runs like the Muddy Buddy series? Forget it – unless you want to run alongside your 60-year-old grandmother. Tough Mudder is a truly exceptional event for truly exceptional people. Fair weather runners should stay at home.
Tough Mudder is also about experiencing a true sense of camaraderie that, sadly, is rarely seen outside of the military these days. To get over some of our obstacles you will need the help of others – they are simply too much for one man to tackle alone. Tough Mudders, unlike some other types of endurance runners, are team players; they help out other Tough Mudders. We want everyone to compete, but being a Tough Mudder is also about making sure no man is left behind, not worrying about your finish time.
Allright Evovle, who's in? Let Jenn and Cindy know!

14 thoughts on “Saturday 110115”

  1. what is wrong with 60 year old grandmothers?…if they can do the task….what about 55 year old grandmothers?….I guess I will look into the Muddy Buddy series…

  2. Happy bday kelley! You are a rock star! Even though the wod shows that it is full for tomorrow please feel free to come in and throw down anyways…on saturdays we typically can always make room! See you all tomorrow

  3. ***Goosebumps and tears (of joy, of course)***
    You guys sure know how to make a girl feel special!
    Thanks so much for the great post, and all the birthday wishes. There are not enough words to describe how I feel after reading this, and even being a part of the Crossfit Evolve family. It has changed my life forever! I have done things that I never thought possible, and I will continue to do things that I can’t even dream of right now. I wouldn’t be where I am at without you guys. I look forward to what the future holds for all of us… as for the WOD. That’s a GREAT WOD! (I like the name, she’s one tough chick) :). . . . Work hard guys, make me proud! Sorry Ryan, I will be snowboarding tomorrow… however I will still be doing my burpees! Have a great weekend, see you all next week! LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! πŸ™‚
    Remember. It’s not about being big, it’s about being awesome. πŸ˜‰
    CROSSFIT EVOLVE: It’s not about easy here.

  4. Kelly! Happy Birthday!!! Even though I hardly get to work out w/you anymore, you’re still my hero and I still look at your times and weights striving to be even half the athlete you are!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Kelley D!
    And JoAnne, I’m pretty sure when the Tough Mudder folks wrote that description they were thinking more along the lines of the average 60-year old grandmother. The 55 year-old CrossFitting grandmother I know is stronger and faster than the majority of the people half her age – don’t forget that!

  6. Heck no I didn’t write that! “Here’s a little taste from the website” was my disclaimer, plus I made it red!!! I bet you were really mad at me for a few minutes JoAnne! Sorry for any confusion.

  7. Don’t be sorry Jon! You tried everything and I still didn’t get it!!!!
    My fault….just didn’t read the disclaimer!!!!
    I learned a lesson! :\….thanks for the compliment!…
    you rock!

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