Thursday 101125


Tire pulls – forward/backward


Death by Pull-up

Do 1 pull-up the first minute, 2 pull-ups the second minute, 3 pull-ups the third minute, etc. for as long as you are able.

Sax getting mentally ready!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Don't forget today's WODs will be at 9 AM and 10 AM only. Come and earn that Thanksgiving dinner!

4 thoughts on “Thursday 101125”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I am unable to WOD today due to having to be in Denver early… 🙁 I’ll be doing my burpees though 🙂

  2. I don’t know if the word DEATH is necessary. Are these strict? And Kelley, we need a Burpee counter, cause I am doing this, and I will lose count.

  3. Pics posted on my Facebook. Let the tagging begin! There is a picture with two of our athletes….one jerking, one snatching…..Geno or Jon, I will get you

  4. CFE Swim75m TT = :44 seconds (rest 2 min) and 20x50m on the mtniue:#1-15 at :31 seconds#16-17 at :32 sec#18 at :31 sec#19 at :32 sec#20 at :31 secondsI did two things different than normal (not intentionally). Swam later in morning (instead of first thing) and swam an hour after a full breakfast (normally I don’t eat until after swim). Not sure if this is why my energy level remained higher than normal??? My plan was to complete only 15x25m. Do most people eat before endurance WOD’s. I never have, but this workout is causing me to at least think about it.

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