Thursday 101028


Rope Climbs (bring your knee socks!)


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 deadlifts, 225#/165#

200 yard shuttle sprint

Taylor P., elbows high!

Take a look at the video below. Do you agree? If so, are we meeting their definition with CrossFit programming? But what about the 5Ks or dreaded 10Ks? Are they bad for us? Post your thoughts to comments!


12 thoughts on “Thursday 101028”

  1. I tend to agree with most if not all of what’s there. But, in the case of fat loss as the goal, consistent isn’t exactly going to be bad as long as it’s not putting excess stress on the body. Ryan’s at Evolve daily and he seems okay. I, on the other hand, could benefit from adding some runs through the week.
    I don’t think there’s anything to fear from 5ks and 10ks. The beating you’d put on your knees is largely removed with a barefoot or other primitive running style and thousands of natives around the world run far more than a 5 or 10k daily as Christopher McDougall discovered in the Rarumari.

  2. Running creates cowards.
    Just kidding. I think if at didn’t do them I don’t know if I would. Running longer than 200 or 400 meters was outside my norm. CrossFit has put me outside that norm and I can do more than I ever have been able to so bring it on…except the 10k. That’s gonna take me more than the allotted hour to finish.

  3. I don’t think there is anything unhealthy about running specific training. I did it for years, and logged many miles. Personally I think running is a great way to learn about pain tolerance, and pushing your body to a place where it may not want to go… you all know exactly what I am talking about. I agree that being good at one thing like running, will not always match up with the challenges life will throw at you, but hey… that is one of the reasons I Crossfit. I do have a great amount of respect for people who chose to focus on being good at one thing, such as running. This of course does include Indian Pole Gymnastics.

  4. For those of you that still have a couple days left of the paleo challenge, my cheat meal (and all that halloween candy) was not quite as satisfying as I had built it up to be. And it made my stomach hurt. I still think it’s important to have a mental health meal, or drink, occassionally. I just have a new definition of occassional now.

  5. I would say to each their own. What works for some may not work for others, I try and stay open minded to several possibilities when it comes to my training, health, and lifestyle.

  6. As a means of rapid gains in strength, endurance and
    improved physique and understanding of keeping the body functional as we ageI am all over this. The thought of joining a “gym” for the umpteenth time was giving me anxiety. Then I investigated CrossFit….it Fits…for me…I am not in my 20’s, 30’s or even 40’s and have a window of time to get this done…is it for everyone…no…and that is good!…Keeps the community special…I am so grateful for this new (for me) process and lifestyle.

  7. Humans advantage over their prey that was that we could run it down. I would like to see proof that early man only worked out in short bursts. Logic tells me that he hunted then speared and ran down his prey. Any of us who has used a high powered rifle and then still had to follow a wounded animal knows how strenuous that can be. Imagine it without a fire arm and doing it as our primary food source.

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