5 – 3 – 3 – 1 - 1
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
V sit-ups
Travis front squating, wrist brace and all.
OK everybody, the end is near. Of the Paleo Challenge that is. Be ready to get weighed and measured today! Also, bring your food logs so we can check them out. If you can't make it in today there will also be an opportunity to have your numbers recorded before and after the Saturday WOD.
I am also planning on bringing a cupcake from my classroom Halloween party so I can eat it immediately after the weigh-in, and before my trip to Little Caesar’s and Dairy Queen. I’m so excited that I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep! See you at 4:30!!!
Congrats to all the paleo challengers! You guys are awesome. So inspiring!!!! Good luck with weigh in and have a great cheat meal/day/weekend/whatever your stomach can handle!!!
Hey Jill, we are planning on pizza and ice cream too. Pulcinella pizza, beer and ice cream…I can’t wait!!!! The kids will be excited too. See you tomorrow.
Finally the brownie hot fudge sundae I have been craving will be all mine tomorrow. Great job to everyone who participated and to the coaches for introducing me to veggies! All the support really kept me going. Huge thanks!!!
Although it was only 30-days, staying 100% (or close to it) was a bid deal. We’ve heard a lot of great stories from you guys about overcoming personal obstacles to get through it. Great job, I’m proud of you guys!
Oh Gosh it feels good to be done. With the 100% at least. Everything in moderation from now on, or after this weekend:)
Great job everyone and thanks for all the support along the way. There is no way I would have completed this and been as successful if it weren’t for my Evolve family!!!!
just want to thank the 2 guys that pushed me thogurh my last round on tuesday. don’t think i’ve recovered yet o_O thanks! i know the paleo lifestyle has improved my performance. i learned it the hard way. we had a non paleo meal monday night and a really bad performance tuesday. yet, when i eat paleo i don’t have this problem. i feel better all around when eating paleo thanks for introducing me to it well worth it and i plan to share this way of eating with others.
How wonderful to read content that is so well-written, I was mesmerized by all of the information, as well as the way it was presented.