Thursday 101014




400 double-unders with 15 squats on the minute.

Drew – he's moving so fast it's a blur but can you see the tripple extension?

Yesterday was a big day in the box! It was a max effort day for the front squat and everyone came to do work. There were a lot of PRs on the board. Not only that, but they were big PRs. Huge jumps from last time. There were several athletes who used their previous PR as one of their sets of 3. That's a big day. As we've talked about, this doesn't happen every day – it can't. There is no way to PR each and every time you go heavy. Unfortunately that's the way it goes. So when a day like this comes around where the place is on fire and you guys simply blow it up, embrace it because it's awesome, and because it doesn't happen every day! Your coaches are proud of you. You should be proud of yourselves as well! Do it again today!

14 thoughts on “Thursday 101014”

  1. I’m signed up for the 4:30 WOD, but I may still be there with you 5:30 folks. Keep the children indoors, and let the whipping/cursing begin! Please let this be the day that double-unders finally click for me!! 🙂

  2. Are you kidding me??? Jill I may actually still be there at 4pm from the 9am class:(. I hope it clicks for me too, miraculously!!!

  3. Holy poop i love this wod!! EXCEPT today my double unders were not havin it, i have probably 6 or so marks on the back of my leg. That’ll show me to mess up again 😉

  4. So is it triple for those doing singles? What if I bring the 1 3/4 inch fire hose jump “rope” that we made. Half the number of doubles since that is the heavy version?

  5. Holy double unders Batman… If my math is correct (and it usaully isn’t), the longer this WOD takes to get through, the SUCK will begin to stack exponentially on itself!

  6. LOL… Ryan, that is enough to make me want to get my double unders squared away! I think 400 of those would put me in the ground!

  7. I have to say that WOD was tough, but I was thoroughly impressed with Mike for sticking with it as prescribed, even though that meant 675 squats on top of the 400 double-unders. Most would have quit or stopped doing it as prescribed, but Mike pushed through it. Nice job!

  8. Holy crap Mike! 675 squats??? That’s just not right.
    I was mighty happy half way through when I got a rope that fit me… It made all the difference.

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