Thursday 100603


Ring dips/ring holds


As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Deadlifts, 185#/135#

10 sit-ups

15 Kettlebell swings, 55#/30#


With the warm weather comes WODs outside!


Hey everyone, meet Neil! Neil is a student from Black Hills State University and is interning with us this summer. Why? He wants to not only learn about CrossFit, but feels like it would be a good opportunity to see how 2 guys who know nothing about running a business try and make a go of it! So if you see Neil around, which you will, be sure to say hello. It's good to have you Neil!

1 thought on “Thursday 100603”

  1. Day two!!
    I went and checked out Crossfit Quantum today
    They were AMAZING! Great coaches, a smaller facility than the gym I went to yesterday, but still good equipment, and great atmosphere.
    Similar structure to ours, only they don’t believe in doing pull ups, squats, and push ups as part of a warm up..they prefer dynamic stretches…i.e. arm circles, butt kickers, high knees, etc.
    The practiced skill was the hang power snatch. I believe I set a PR, and got 125×3
    After the skill work we threw down a met con which is as follows:
    AMRAP in 12 Minutes
    10 toes to bar
    10 dumb bell hang power cleans 30#/20#
    200m run every 3 minutes
    If you do not complete a round before you have to run, that round does not count, and you start a new round at the completion of the run, you also end the workout with a 200m run at the 12 minute mark.
    It was a good one, my grip was toast after the snatch practice…so the toes to bar felt awesome haha
    More to share later! Take care!

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