Saturday 100410


Five rounds for time of:

155# Deadlift, 12 reps

155# Hang power clean, 9 reps

155# Push jerk, 6 reps

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The 9 AMers push through Cindy, Evovles first benchmark WOD – the names go on the board!

A huge congratulations to the first foundations class who wrapped up tonight: Shar, Meg, Jill, Katie, Dustin, Jason, Carol, and Mike. You guys did great and made us all proud! Welcome to the world of CrossFit, and welcome to WODs at Evolve. We couldn't be happier to have you guys train with us and look forward to the great things you're going to accomplish!

4 thoughts on “Saturday 100410”

  1. Thanks for teaching us, being patient, and pushing us beyond what we thought we were capable of. I definitely wouldn’t be working so hard and progressing this much on my own at a gym!

  2. None of us would. Jon and I always talk about this. Our workouts are always better when we workout together. We push each other and hold the next guy accountable because we know their potential. It sounds like the 9am’ers experienced that today. I get inspired by watching someone do the “unthinkable” or what they thought in their mind was not possible or push through the worst part of a WOD when it feels like it is all they can do just to try to breath. But they pick that weight up, they get the next rep, they overcome the pain. It makes me want to do something great, it makes me want to overcome. That’s the community…..and that’s CrossFit.
    “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves”
    Edmund Hillary

  3. I agree w/ Jill, you guys have been awesome & patient coaches and it was great to see what we’ve all accomplish in just 12 classes. Congrats to Jill for her multiple kipping pull ups, to Megan for her kipping then strict pull up and Carol for cutting her time in HALF. All this done on our last night! And as for me, I WILL get that pull up if it’s the LAST thing I do:)

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