As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Post rounds to comments
Steve, super-happy to be running before the sun is up – the 6AMers are no joke!
So the programming has begun at Evolve. Under the daily WOD post, you'll see something new: "Post ____ to comments". The blank can be rounds, time, load, etc. If you've followed the mainsite for any amount of time, you've likely stumbled across the comments section. You've seen everything from times posted, numerous debates on subjects such as "did they mean a squat clean or a power clean", and just about anything else you can imagine. We like it. We think it's good to put your thoughts out there. So if you are so inclined, as some of you already have (which we appreciate), post something to comments once in a while. Stay in touch with your friends who are hitting different WOD times. And keep it clean, there could be children reading!