Monday 2002010



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In 15:00 build to a heavy single:

Hang Squat Clean




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 9:00 of:

30 Double Unders

1 Hang Squat Clean, 155#/105#

30 Double Unders

2 Hang Squat Cleans, 155#/105#

30 Double Unders

3 Hang Squat Cleans, 155#/105#

Go up by one rep each round 




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 When your legs don’t work after going ham on the bike!

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CompTrain Daily Mindset For Monday.

In today’s Daily Mindset ask yourself some questions. Are we taking the time and making the effort to practice? To slow down and make each attempt worthwhile? To be ok with not being at the top of the leader board or even on the leaderboard? 

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“How much do you care about getting better?”

Sounds like a silly question, but most don’t think about this.

When we are truly care about getting better, our view on things change. We see events as a means to grow… true chances to improve ourselves. The opposite is when we view everything as a test.

When we find ourselves comparing against others, and stuck on the thought of viewing “X” as a measuring stick against our goals, remind ourselves of this question. How much do we care about getting better?


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