Tuesday 190122



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Complete 3 round for time of:

9 Power Snatch, 135#/95#

15 Push Jerk, 135#/95#

21 Bar Facing Burpees




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In 10:00 complete:

3 Sets of Max Strict Pull-ups




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It’s time for another CrossFit Evolve Kids Session!

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Winter CrossFit Evolve Kids Session!

Here we go, time for the Winter Session of CrossFit Evolve Kids! As many of you know, this is an amazing program that teaches our kids much more than moving and working out. This winter will follow the same format as past sessions:

February 5th through March 30th 

Tuesdays 7-8 PM

Saturdays 8-9 AM

The cost is $200.

You will need to register your kids prior to the first night so we have an accurate count!

Email Coach Stine at stine@www.test.crossfit-evolve.com to get your kiddos registered!

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