Tuesday 180424



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Complete for time:

21 – 15 – 9

Squat Clean, 135#/95#

Ring Dips

Compare to: 11/21/16, 9/28/16, 6/27/16, 1/12/16, 1/8/14, 6/18/13, 1/3/12, 6/18/12, 8/29/12[/rs-box_content]



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Skill Refinement

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3 – 3 – 3

Squat Clean

See below!




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Whitney getting those deadlifts in!

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Today’s Skill Refinement

During the cleans today something will break down as you fatigue. It might be raising your hips too high in your set-up position. It could be pulling early after the bar passes you knee. Maybe it’s stopping after you catch it in the power position then slowly depending to the squat instead of dropping smoothly and riding the bar down. Chances are pretty good that by the end of the WOD there will be some breakdown in technique that you can make better. And that’s just what we’re going to do!

Following the WOD, you’ll drop the weight you used for the clean by 10-20% and you’re going to try to improve your technique. What did you feel that could be better? What did the coach cue you on during the WOD? Whatever that is, you’re going to get some reps to work on it. Not only will this lead to some skill refinement with the clean, the lighter load will also help you recover a little bit from the day’s work. We promise…today you’re going to get better at the clean!

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