Tuesday 170131



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Kipping Pull-ups

Today we’ll spend some time working on your kip outside of the WOD. 

If you are already dialed on your kipping pull-ups, today you get the option of getting some sets in, working on chest-to-bar, or completing sets of strict pull-ups. Pick one and stick to it for 5 sets of work. 




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Complete for time:

50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10


Kettlebell Swings, 70#/55#

From crossfit.com




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[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Photo-Dec-10-9-48-06-AM.jpg” link=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”default” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]

If you finish each KBS like Jake here, you’re doing it right. Seriously, this is how you finish a swing. Every time. 

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Tons And Tons of Swings!

How are you at math? Did you add up the reps for today’s work? Yep, that’s 150 reps of each movement. That is what we call “volume”. That’s a lot of work! The swings are RXd at 70#/55#. This is a challenging weight for big sets. The sit-ups are also no joke. One thing to consider today is where you’re at in your CF career. If you’re new to things, 150 reps is too many even with a light weight. The coaches will talk with everyone individually today but if you think that this much work is too much, it is. We’ll scale down the reps as well as the load. 

Regardless of whether you do it RX, go lighter, do all 150 reps, or bring them down, we need your swings to be perfect. Take another look at the picture above. Jake is demonstrating the perfect position at the top of the swing. His body is stacked, the KB is pointed vertically toward the ceiling, and everything is tight and engaged. THIS is how you finish the swing. Not with bent arms almost over your head and not with the KB pointed forward. If you’re not able to achieve this position, don’t worry! It takes time, focus, and practice. Lighten the load to something more manageable and focus on the movement rather than the time. We would rather have lots of really great KB swings at a lighter weight than lots of crappy KB swings at a heavier weight. Happy swinging!

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