Tuesday 151222



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500m Row Time Trial

Today we’ll review some row technique, followed by establishing a max effort 500m row. Fun right?




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:

10 Push-ups

10 Ring Rows

10 Toes-to-Bar

Yep, a CFFB workout without a barbell. Nothing but your body weight. Focus on perfect form and going hard and you’ll get what you need.




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That is so much blue steel right there.

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The 2016 CrossFit Games schedule has been announced! It all starts with the CrossFit Open, which starts with the announcement of Open Workout 16.1 on Thursday February 25th. You can see the schedule for the whole season here. We make a big deal of the Open at CrossFit Evolve. Last year we had over 60 athletes participate as competitors, and even more helping as judges. Registration starts on January 14th! Look for some more posts on why you should do the open in the coming weeks!

Sometimes people are hesitant to do the Open. The whole “competition” thing can be intimidating. A few years ago, we wanted to show how fun comps can be for our folks and the idea worked! So get ready for the 3rd Annual CrossFit Evolve In-House Comp! This is a mellow, fun, in-house competition for Evolve members only. This year the Comp will be held on Saturday January 30th. WOD #1 will be the regular Saturday WOD, then the comp will begin. There will be 3 workouts for the comp, and all will be announced prior to that day.

Divisions will be: Men’s RX, Women’s RX, Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Men’s Masters 45+, Women’s Masters 45+.

We’ll have a sign-up board at the gym for you to register. More details to come, hope to see you there!!!

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