Thursday 150625



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Power Snatch

Work to a moderate single in 10:00.

Short time frame, focus on the technique rather than the load.

Calculator is below.




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Complete 5 rounds for time of:

5 Power Clean and Jerk, 135#/95#

10 Handstand Push-ups

10 Toes-to-bar

10 Burpees

For the power clean and jerk, either split or push jerk may be used. If you’re scaling from 135/95, choose the weight you used the last time you did the workout Grace. If you haven’t done that workout, the coach will help with your weight selection!




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Marie is super happy she’s gotten her workout in before 7am!

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Power snatches are on the menu for today. Think of this as a skill session more than a strength. Often times people are very technical with their full snatch, but when it comes to the power snatch sometimes we see people just grip it and rip it. Many of the same technical cues we use during the full snatch need to be applied to the power version. You have 10:00 to work up to a “moderate” single. What does moderate mean? Think 70-80% of your 1RM. Today is not a PR day, we’re keeping it light and technical.

Here are a few things to keep in mind courtesy of Catalyst Athletics:

Begin the lift exactly as you would the snatch. Once you have extended completely to accelerate and elevate the bar, pull under quickly and aggressively and fix the bar overhead in a partial squat position. The bar must be locked out overhead and all downward movement stopped with the lifter’s thighs above horizontal. The power snatch is simply a snatch without a full-depth squat to receive it.

The power snatch can be used to train speed and force production in both the second pull and the third pull by limiting the amount of time and distance the lifter has available to get under the bar. It can also be used as a lighter snatch variation for lighter training days. The power snatch can also be useful as part of a learning progression for beginners, or as a variation for individuals who are not mobile enough to sit into an overhead squat.

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