Tuesday 141125



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Dot Drills

Today we’re going to work on your agility and accuracy!




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Complete 2 rounds for time:

15 Push Press 115#/75#

30 Front Squats 115#/75#

45 Double-unders

Rest 5:00

Complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:






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We’re gonna miss this guy!

Most of you guys have heard by now that our Marcio…..Doctor Forleo….has accepted a job in Minnesota. No big deal, just going to be a Senior Scientist for Medtronic in the Coronary and Heart Structure Research, Innovation, and Product Development Group. No big deal, just going out there to change the world. Marcio has been with us for a long time and is going to be hugely missed. In true Evolve style, we’re going to send Marcio off! We’ll be heading over to William Oliver’s Public House (at Drake and Timberline just east of King Soopers) for some whiskey and good times tonight (Tuesday) around 7pm. We hope to see you there!

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