Thursday 131003


3 Stop Snatch Pull + Snatch

7 x 1

Stop positions will be 1" off the floor, just below the knee, and mid-thigh. Pause for 3 seconds at each position. The snatch will be from mid-thigh. Keep the weight light and use this to get dialed in for the WOD.


The Snatch Efficiency Test

Every  minute on the minute for 5:00:

2 Snatches, 80% 1RM

Then when the clock hits 5:00, as many reps as possible in 2:00 of:

Snatches, 80% 1RM

We learned about the Snatch Efficiency test at the Outlaw Training Camp. This is a way to assess your efficieny with the movement outside of going for a 1RM. For the first 5 minutes you'll do 2 snatches each minute for a total of 10. You only get 2 attempts per minute, so if you miss, you don't go for a third try. At the end of the 5th minute, you perform max reps for 2 minutes. At the end of the test, you'll have a score of made snatches versus attempts. For example, if you complete 8 snatches of the 10 attempts during the first 5 minutes, you'll have 8/10 for that portion. If during the last 2 minutes you hit 7 of 8, you'll have 7/8 for that portion giving you a total of 15/18. Make sense? Why do this? As Rudy states:

The goal is to test consistency of technique and repeatability under load. 

Photo Sep 23, 5 47 47 PM
Deena on the way under the bar to catch the clean!

October is here, and that means it's time for another installment of Barbells for Boobs. We're huge fans of this event and have hosted it every October since we opened. This is a wonderful charity for a terrible disease that chances are has impacted someone you love. 

On Saturday October 12th we'll peform Grace, 30 clean and jerks for time, as our B4B WOD.

You can sign up as a fundraiser here and select CrossFit Evolve as your team. If that's not your style you can simply donate to the cause. If you raise $80, the cost of one mamogram, you get a sweet B4B shirt as an incentive. You can also purchase shirts on their page to help the cause.

We hope you'll join us on Saturday the 12th, where the WOD will be fun and the boob comments will be endless.

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