Thursday 130214


Complete 2 reps every minute on the minute for 6:00 of:

Squat Snatch @ 60% 1RM

1:00 Rest

Then complete the Flight Simulator for time:

10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10


10:00 cap on this.

Rest 1:00

Complete 1 rep on the minute for 6:00 of:

Squat clean and Jerk @ 60% 1RM

Complete 1 rep on the minute for 6:00 of:

Squat clean and jerk @ 80% 1RM

Photo Jan 30, 9 50 40 AM
Ashley pulling high!

We've lined out the schedule for the Open. Did you know it starts soon? Of course you did. Did you sign-up yet? Of course you did. So here's how it's going to go:

The workouts will be announced on the games site on Wednesdays starting on March 6th at 6pm Colorado time. 

The Evolve WOD on Thursday will be the Open WOD. For those not signed up for the Open, you'll do the WOD just as any other workout – there will be a warm-up, then the group will throw down. Once that's completed, those who are registered for the Open will perform the WOD with a judge. Scores will be recorded and validated.

A second opporunity to do the Open WOD will be on Sundays at 9am. Unfortunately due to logistics, this Sunday Open WOD will be limited to those who are registered for the Open. So if you can't make the Thursday WOD, you can come in on Sunday and do it. If you're one of those crazies who likes to do the Open WODs several times each week, this will be your chance to take a Mulligan and go after it again.

We understand that folks travel and schedules are hectic. We have always done our best to accomadate those who are competing, and we'll do our best again this year. With that, there's plenty of time to plan out those 5 weeks so you can make at least one of the opportunities to hit the WOD. The open gym times on Friday and Monday may also be an opprtunity you can use.

One thing we started last year and we'll do again this year is that if you are going after the chance to compete on the team, your WODs need to be done and validated by Evolve or by online video submission. The exception is if you're traveling and have to go to another affiliate to get that week's WOD in. This allows us to ensure that for our team, everyone was on an equal playing field when earning their spot. If this causes an issue, please get with me or Gino.

This is going to be a blast, hope you're all excited!!

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