Thursday 121004


High Bar Back Squat

5 x 2 @ 90% 1RM

Rest 2:00 b/w sets.


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 Deficit handstand push-ups (45# + 15# plate w/ ab mat)

10 Power snatch, 135#/95#

Run 200m

Photo Oct 01, 5 45 00 AM
The October PR board.

I had a conversation with one of our newest folks the other day, and we were talking about the programming and how long WODs take. I spoke of an 8 minute AMRAP and he was surprised at the short time domain. We've had a lot of those shorter WODs lately. Depending on how your HSPU kip is, today will likely be on the short side for many of you. Why go short instead of some 30 minute chipper? Pretty simple, intensity. We want you to get after it. That's where all the good stuff happens, and when we go longer than 10 to 12 minutes, it's very difficult to maintain that intensity. Today the WOD is 3 rounds. Get through the HSPU without coming of the wall. Set your hook grip and do the power snatches unbroken. Then get out the door and run that 200m at a 100m pace…get after it. The harder you go, the sooner it will end, and then you'll really get what we're after with this WOD. If at the end of it you're saying to yourself that the WOD wasn't long enough to get a good workout, you didn't go hard enough!

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