Thursday 100923


Run 1 mile

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 squats

Run 1 mile.

If you have a weight vest, wear it. Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.

Compare to 100510

Donnie working through the snatch during the Battle Ready Open this summer!
As most of you know, our friend Donnie left today for a new job in Tennessee. Donnie came to the box with a lot of CrossFit experience under his belt and a great attitude. He was a pleasure to have in the 6am WOD, a great athlete, and an even better person. We're glad we got to know you Donnie and you'll be missed. Safe travels and keep in touch!


19 thoughts on “Thursday 100923”

  1. Best wishes to you Donnie on your new journey. We’ll definately miss you here at Evolve. Make sure to come back and visit!
    OMG is all I can say about this WOD, I am scared:(

  2. I had to miss today due to Steppin Annie making it tough to get out of bed. Gonna be there for Murph. Not sure if I should be afraid or nervous.
    Donnie, best of luck. Travel safe, lift heavy.

  3. Donnie, we will miss you more than you will ever know, but we are excited for you. It sucked that I was in a class the whole time up until you left. You started to really turn up the intensity right before you left, so keep that up. I am glad that you and Athena will be close again and best of luck with your job. When you open your own gym, give us a call if you need any help. Take care buddy!

  4. Coach Tybo said that there was a ton of DL PR’s on Wed, and not just small ones. He said there were some big jumps that were made. That’s what I am talking about people, keep that up! Are you guys liking the speed, volume, max work that we have been doing? Do you feel like it is helping with strength development? Let us know, and keep up the great work. Everyone gets a hug from me when I see you, it sucked being away from the gym for that long.

  5. Not only do I love this WOD, but I have great admiration for the man it is named after. We have posted this before and I encourage everyone to read it, even if you have before. Let the description of his bravery and courage inspire you to find your inner warrior during this tuff and challenging WOD. Lets go all out for Murphy, since he went all out for us! Right Jason?

  6. Donnie, didn’t get to hit too many workouts with you but Gene is right, you were starting to crush the workouts as of lately…and I know your energy and attitude was contagious in the gym as well. So you definitely will be missed!
    I like the programming so far…a little butt hurt (literally and figuratively) about the back to back days of a leg/ab combo…but I still had fun doing them, and am looking forward to doing the only workout that actually tells you to wear a vest! Did we solve the issue of whether or not to do each exercise until complete or if we could switch between all 3?

  7. I believe u can switch between all 3……”partion as needed”…..I’ve been ‘partioning’ in my mind since it was posted……awesome (and by awesome, I’m mean SCARY)!

  8. Ok, I tried to do the pieces unbroken last time and blew my elbow up. I will be switching it up this time… F#(k my legs and butt are gonna hurt after this week!!! Good think I like the pain.
    Good Luck to you Donnie. Never metcha (how’s that possible) but sounds like you’re bound to kick some Tennesseean ass!!!

  9. Yes, with Murphy, you can break up the pull-ups push ups and squats how you want. The key to doing that will be breaking them up into manageable amounts that prevent you from resting during the sets but not so broken up that you are loosing time with too many transitions.

  10. I have been thinking about how I am going to break it up and keep it going. I know, I know, I have nothing else to do.
    Anyway, I think perhaps 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups and 30 squat would keep the numbers small enough to keep my going, but still see progress. Should be interesting.

  11. I did my first Sat wod with Donnie as a partner. It was great. He will be missed, however going to new and better things.
    This WOD scares me a ton!! Hope the coach has until midnight to have the gym open for me. Katie threatened the kids last night with spendng the night at the gym since the upstairs was so messy. Maybe I could stay with them tonight, as I will still be doing the WOD until bed time. Oh well I WILL finish it.

  12. Oh Trish, you can do it! I believe in you. I won’t be there to push you but Jon will and I don’t think he will let you spend the night. Plus the kids will be with me so you would be all alone. Good luck!

  13. I finished within the hour and no one had to stay last night. However I am moving ver slow today. It was a great wod but lets not do MURPH again for a long time.

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